4 Gentle Ways to Deal With Disappointment When Life Feels Unfair

#3: Don’t look for fault, but leave space for faith.

Bella Martin
5 min readFeb 28, 2023
Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

No matter who you are, at some point or another, things won’t go your way. Plans fall through, hopes reveal themselves to be misguided, and you might lose what you want before it’s clear you’ll soon be granted something better.

Even if you believe everything happens for a reason, even if you trust when one door closes another will open, disappointment hurts. It’s hard to wonder what you could have done differently or to accept that you couldn’t have; that you tried your hardest to make something work and it simply didn’t.

When things don’t unfold in your favor, it’s natural to want someone to blame, but often no one deserves it. Often there is nothing that can offer you comfort but an uncomfortable truth: no matter how much you want something, no matter how much you believe your desires will come true, some things aren’t meant to be.

If you are in a season where you have to let go of what wasn’t meant to be to make space for what is, here are five gentle ways to help you deal with disappointment.

#1. Give yourself permission to feel it.



Bella Martin

Words of healing, hope & happiness. | Find me on instagram @bellamwrites