A message to the girl who is a little too hard on herself.

You will rise higher the minute you release the pressure that has been pushing you down.

Bella Martin
4 min readNov 13, 2023

To the girl who is a little too hard on herself, I know it might seem like no matter what you do it’s never enough. I know it can feel like you’re falling behind, like you can’t keep up or you’re not even sure that you want to because if living up to expectations comes at the expense of your inspiration, could it really be worth it?

Is there something wrong with you or is there something wrong with the idea that becoming different is the only way you can finally be accepted? Is there something wrong with you or is the real problem that you are trying to build a life under the impossible pressure of living up to an ideal that doesn’t exist?

You will never be perfect, but it was never about that anyway. Perfectionism has less to do with attaining it and more to do with making it look like you have. It has nothing to do with the self and everything to do with others.

Do you see how the desire to be perfect is inextricably linked to the desire to be loved? Do you understand that the reason it feels so painful to take risks is because you are terrified of being rejected, of having someone else confirm all of the fears you…



Bella Martin

Words of healing, hope & happiness. | Find me on instagram @bellamwrites