If You’ve Ever Wished You Were More Creative, This Is For You

Creativity isn’t something we find. It’s something we lose.

Bella Martin
4 min readNov 2, 2023
Photo by Jasmin Chew on Unsplash

Creativity isn’t something we find. It’s something we lose.

Look at any child and you’ll remember we were born creators; intrinsically curious, naturally spontaneous, and perfectly playful. We are first what we go on to spend our entire lives trying to become– pure and unencumbered. Free.

Creativity is our birthright, our purest state of being. We don’t have to go out and find it but rather go in and reclaim it. We have to identify all of the ways our overthinking overshadows it and our anxiety drowns it out, and we have to look at how societally imposed ideas about how we should and shouldn’t be distort our instinctual knowing on how to do just that.

Creativity isn’t complicated. It’s not a gift given to a special few or something we need to work hard to cultivate. It’s simply there. It exists within every one of us at all times and we summon it the second we rediscover how to let go.

Life is only as serious as you make it. You are only ever as stuck as you think you are. Whatever you’re going through, whatever it is you think you’re missing, your solution will come the moment you stop trying to force it.



Bella Martin

Words of healing, hope & happiness. | Find me on instagram @bellamwrites