Start to Clean the Mirror of Your Mind With These 4 Steps

1. Go meta.

Bella Martin
5 min readMar 20, 2023
Photo by Kirill on Unsplash

When too much dust collects on a mirror, you can no longer see your reflection clearly. This doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you or the mirror. It only means you need to clean it.

The process of cleaning and restoring is something we are all familiar with; we clean our homes, tidy our things, plan our schedules, and organize our lives, but somehow we forget about our minds. We forget to think about our thinking.

When we neglect our psyches, dust collects there. Because our minds are the tools we use to make sense of the world, when they are left uncared for, our perceptions become distorted — by ignorance, pain, fear, and often unconscious prejudices.

We don’t know what we don’t know which often includes how our minds shape our realities. Unless you pay attention to what is going on internally, you will be blind to how your thoughts are influencing your experience of the external world.

But when you start the work of looking inward, you soon understand that what you see in others is often a reflection of what you see in yourself. What you see in the world is often a reflection of what you are looking for.

Once you understand the importance of cleaning the mirror of your mind and accept that…



Bella Martin

Words of healing, hope & happiness. | Find me on instagram @bellamwrites