This is Not Where Your Story Ends; It’s Where it Begins.

Start here — today.

Bella Martin
3 min readNov 8, 2023
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Start here — today.

Open a blank page and simply write. Don’t wait for the perfect time or the most eloquent wording because things only get better as you work through them. You have to start before you can improve, to draft before you can edit.

The only time you will ever waste is the time you spend waiting when you already know what to do — write. Something, anything, because you’ll find the next word only after putting down the first. You’ll discover where you are going to end up only after you’ve made it there, and you’ll know who you are meant to become only after you’ve lived through all of the iterations of who you are now.

Planning is an illusion because you can only make predictions based on your current understanding which is in constant evolution. Living sentence by sentence, page by page, chapter by chapter without rushing or skimming or skipping over any of it is what it means to live fully.

It’s what it means to lose yourself in the story, to be a present and conscious participant in the ever-unfolding nature of your life. Still, it’s important to remember the reality of impermanence; where you are is not where you always will be, especially if you wake up every day and choose to write. Especially if…



Bella Martin

Words of healing, hope & happiness. | Find me on instagram @bellamwrites